Morgan Piersall
Get to know Morgan!
What is your favorite service to do and why?
- Vivids! I love playing around with bright colors and helping clients express themselves through their hair.
What is your hidden talent or something unique about you most people might not know?
- I can play the flute but not very well so I’m not sure if it’s really a talent lol!
Early Bird or Night Owl?
-​ Night owl! I love having time to myself at night to decompress from the day.
What is you favorite food and/or drink?
- Any type of pasta!
What celebrity have you been told you look like?
- When I had black hair someone told me I looked like Elvira. It was definitely supposed to be an insult but I think she’s pretty iconic so I wasn’t mad.
Describe the worst hair style you've ever had.
- The “scene” hair I gave myself with a Gillette razor in middle school.
What is your favorite movie?
- Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind.
What do you like to do when you aren't slaying hair at the salon?
- You can usually find me cuddled up on my couch reading a book!